6 Signs that It’s Time for Concrete Step Replacement

Whether you're a business owner or homeowner, determining the right time for concrete repairs or replacement might pose a challenge. While you can rely on your hired contractor for guidance, having a clearer understanding beforehand can be beneficial. As the leading experts in concrete step replacement for Vadnais Heights and the rest of the Twin Cities area, Wohlwend Concrete presents six telltale signs indicating that replacement is the more suitable option, as opposed to mere repairs.

1. Extensive Cracks

While certain cracks can be addressed with repairs, deep cracks spanning the entire length of your steps are indicative of a need for replacement.

2. Multiple Repairs Already Performed

Have you undergone multiple rounds of repairs on your concrete steps? Eventually, after several repairs, it becomes apparent that the time has come for a comprehensive replacement. In such cases, working consistently with a single contractor for successive repairs enables them to better gauge when replacement becomes necessary.

3. Aesthetic Changes

Has the aesthetic of your property evolved since the initial installation of your concrete steps? If you're contemplating altering the color, stamp design, or overall style of your steps, it's a clear indicator that replacement is in order. While less pressing than other signs, aligning your steps with the updated aesthetic enhances visual cohesion.

4. Settling or Unevenness

Do your concrete steps display noticeable unevenness? Although some settling is natural over time, pronounced and consistent unevenness signifies that replacement should be considered over repairs.

5. Spalling or Chipping

Are your concrete steps suffering from significant spalling or chipping? Extensive chipping or sizable sections breaking away suggests that the window for repair has passed, necessitating the installation of new concrete steps.

6. Crumbling Edges

In cases where the edges of your steps are crumbling across the board, opting for concrete step replacement is prudent. Crumbling edges weaken the structural integrity of the steps, compromising safety and making repairs a challenging prospect.

If you still aren’t sure if you need concrete step replacement at your home or business in Vadnais Heights, we can help! Call Wohlwend Concrete at 651-426-2610 or contact us to get your project scheduled or to ask any questions you may have about concrete steps.
